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Title: When Inserted:
Signs of Safety Bulletins  
Signs of Safety Bulletin - Issue 23 March 2021 August 2021
Signs of Safety Bulletin - Issue 31 Mar 2021 August 2021
Signs of Safety Bulletin - Issue 7 April 2021 August 2021
Signs of Safety Newsletters  
Signs of Safety Newsletter - Issue 1 August 2021
Signs of Safety Newsletter - Issue 2 August 2021
Signs of Safety Newsletter - Issue 3 August 2021
Signs of Safety Newsletter - Issue 4 August 2021
Signs of Safety Newsletter - Issue 5 August 2021
Signs of Safety Newsletter - Issue 6 August 2021
Signs of Safety Newsletter - Issue 7 August 2021
Signs of Safety Newsletter - Issue 8 August 2021
Signs of Safety Newsletter - Issue 9  August 2021
Signs of Safety Newsletter - Issue 10 October 2021
Signs of Safety Newsletter - Issue 11 January 2022
Signs of Safety - How to Guides  
Appreciative Inquiry
November 2021
Building a Genogram November 2021
Genogram Practice and System Guidance March 2023
Danger Statement, Safety Goal November 2021
Group Supervision November 2021
Role Modelling Principles November 2021
Safety Planning in Group Supervision November 2021
Scaling November 2021
Signs of Safety Assessment Framework November 2021
Signs of Stability Assessment Framework November 2021
Thinking About Support Networks November 2021
Turning Questions into Conversations (EARs for Appreciative Inquiry) November 2021
Turning Questions into Conversations (EARs for Mapping) November 2021
Using the Safety House November 2021
Using the Three Houses November 2021
Using the Wizard and Fairy November 2021
Worry Statement, Success Goals November 2021
Worry Statement, Wellbeing Goal November 2021
Signs of Safety - Other  
Guide to Signs of Safety in Northumberland (Nov 2020) August 2021
Safety Planning Workbook September 2021
Signs of Safety Knowledge Bank (Website) August 2021
Signs of Safety Mapping Guide (Dec 2020) August 2021
What training should I attend? December 2021
Title: When Inserted:

Summary of new and update guidance (published in Dec 23): 

March 2024

Briefing: Contextual Safeguarding Process

March 2024
Voice and Lived Experience of a Child - Guide
Safeguarding Disabled Children - Guide  
7-Minute Guides  
Quality of Practice Framework July 2024
Partnership Force Intelligence June 2024
National Referral Mechanism (NRM) Updated: June 2024
Working with Dads November 2023
Trauma Informed Practice January 2023
Professional Curiosity January 2023
Transitional Safeguarding January 2023
Self Harm (CYP) November 2023
Abusive Head Trauma (AHT) September 2021
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) September 2021
Alcohol Free Childhood September 2021
Child Sexual Abuse Audit September 2021
Child Sexual Abuse September 2021
Child Sexual Exploitation September 2021
Chronology September 2021
Clare's Law September 2021
Coercive Control September 2021
Concealed and Denied Pregnancy September 2021
County Lines September 2021
Child to Parent Violence and Abuse (CPVA) September 2021
Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) Health Assessments September 2021
Domestic Abuse Act 2021 September 2021
Domestic Violence and Abuse September 2021
Familial Sexual Abuse September 2021
Harmful Sexualised Behaviour September 2021
Informing Parents of Concerns September 2021
Learning from Large Sibling Groups and Earlier Identification of Neglect September 2021
Mental Capacity Act 2005 for Young People 16+ September 2021
Neglect Audit 2018 September 2021
Neglect September 2021
Northumbria Police Force Intelligence Mailbox September 2021
Online Radicalisation September 2021
Principles of Assessment September 2021
Repeat Child Protection Plan September 2021
Self Neglect September 2021
SMART Goals September 2021
The Dark Web September 2021
The Duluth Model September 2021
Toxic Trio September 2021


Title: When Inserted:

Quality of Practice Framework - Northumberland Children’s Services

Updated: June 2024
Feedback Framework June 2024
Supervision Framework June 2024
SUPERVISION POLICY Reviewed: January 2024
Boloh Respiratory Card October 2021
Boloh Respiratory Poster October 2021
Community Care / Social Work News and Social Care Jobs September 2021
North and South of Tyne Safeguarding Children Partnership Procedures Manual Updated: May 2024
Threshold Documents  
Thresholds of Need  December 2022
Multi-Agency Consent Form updated: September 2023
Multi-Agency Referral Form (MARF) September 2021
Multi-Agency Referral Form (MARF) Top Tips August 2021
Multi-Agency Referral Form (MARF) Guidance Document August 2021
Northumberland Signs of Safety Practice Handbook (April 21) April 2021
First Contact Process Map (Mar 2021) August 2021
First Contact Process Map - Support Document (Mar 2021) August 2021
Early Help  
Practice Guidance  
Early Help Assessment Form - Guidance  
Early Help Action Meeting Outcomes - Guidance  
Standard Operating Procedures for Early Help Family Work Teams June 2022
Assessment and Planning  
Sibling Assessment Template August 2021
Neglect Toolkit AFC Section 1a and 1b August 2021
Neglect Toolkit Section 2a (Aug 2020) August 2021
Neglect Toolkit Section 2b December 2021
Neglect Toolkit AFC Section 2c - Action Plan August 2021
Neglect Toolkit 2c - Score Sheet August 2021
Practice and Guidance  
C&F Assessment Form - Guidance  
C&F for ICPC - Guidance  
Cafcass ADCS S7 Letter and Policy November 2022
Cafcass ADCS S7 Policy - Final November 2022
Child in Need Review Recommendations (First) Form Guidance  
Child in Need Review Recommendations (Subsequent) Guidance  
Child Plan Form - Guidance  
Child Protection - Guidance Form for Initial Conference Recommendations and Minutes   
Child Protection - Guidance  Form for Review Conference Workers Report  
Core Group Meeting Outcomes Form - Guidance  
EHM Contact Record Guidance  
Good Practice - Guidance for Chairs of Virtual Meetings September 2021
Good Practice - Guidance for Virtual Meetings September 2021
Harm Matrix Guidance  
ICPC Recommendations and Minutes Form - Guidance  
Leavers Procedures for Staff September 2021
Birth Plan - NCC and NHS January 2022
Multi-Agency Birth Plan Template January 2022
Multi-Agency Consent Form December 2021
New Starter and Amending Users Procedures September 2021
Pathway Plan (Part 1) Form - Guidance  
Police Disclosure Request Form August 2021
RCPC Recommendations and Minutes Form - Guidance  
Record of Outcome of S47 Enquiries Form - Guidance  
Record of Strategy Discussion Form - Guidance  
Referrers Data - Guidance  
Risk Assessment - General Home Visit October 2021
Transfer in Process October 2022
Transport Referral Form July 2022
Legal Proceedings  
Agenda Items for Initial Pre-Proceedings Meeting August 2021
Agenda Items for a Review Pre-Proceedings Meeting August 2021
Assessment Framework for Northumbria and North Durham (NND) March 2022
Cafcass ADCS S7 Letter and Policy November 2022
Cafcass ADCS S7 Policy - Final November 2022
Communication and Good Practice between IRO, SW & CG (NND) March 2022
Discharge a Care Order - Application Template August 2021
Guidance SWET August 2021
Final SWET December 2021
Full SWET December 2021
Short SWET December 2021
Interim Care Plan Template August 2021
Final Care Plan Template April 2022
Issuing Proceedings Letter - Template August 2021
Issuing Proceedings Letter for Unborn - Template August 2021
Legal Gateway Panel Document February 2023
Legal Gateway Panel - additional guidance  February 2023
Legal Gateway Panel - process for requesting legal panel meetings February 2023
Public Law Outline (PLO) Audit Report August 2021
PLO Children Letter - Template (4a) August 2021
PLO Unborn Letter - Template (4b) August 2021
PLO Plan - Template (4d) August 2021
PLO Initial Meeting - Minutes Template (5b) August 2021
PLO Review Meeting - Minutes Template (6b) August 2021
PLO Pre-Proceedings Checklist and Flow Chart January 2022
Revocation of Placement Order - Template August 2021
Section 20 - Revised January 2022
Supervision Orders - Guidance September 2021
Supervision Orders - Support Plan September 2021
Children Missing from Education - DfE Guidance August 2021
Children Missing and Missing Out on Education in Northumberland August 2021
Elective Home Education - Guidance for Parents August 2021
Elective Home Education - Multi-Agency Process August 2021
Onward Referrals  
Advocacy for Parents - Guidance Notes February 2022
Advocacy for Parents - Referral Form February 2022
Harbour (new DASSN) Referral Form for Northumberland and North Tyneside April 2022
MARAC - Guidance and Referral Process August 2021
MARAC Referral Form January 2022
Contextual Safeguarding Guidance - PILOT UPDATED: May 2024
MSET - Guidance August 2021
Police Partnership Intelligence Form August 2021

MSET Pathway

updated November 2023

MSET Stage 1 Screening Tool - WORD

updated November 2023
MSET - Stage 2 and 3 updated November 2023
MSET - Stage 4 August 2021
SAFE Families - Referral Process April 2022
SAFE Families - Request for Approval to make a Referral April 2022

National alerts for a missing child or young person

(to be considered alongside Children and Families that go Missing (Including Unborn Children)

March 2024

Health: ICB Management of Regional Safeguarding Alerts Unborn Babies and Children

February 2024

Police: International Investigations - Missing Persons

February 2024


Title: When Inserted:
Children with Disabilities  
Safeguarding Disabled Children - Guide (SWAY) December 2023
Direct Payments - Guidance for Practitioners and Team Managers August 2021
Direct Payments - Letter for Parents August 2021
Direct Payment Governance  January 2023
Direct Payment Process Map January 2023
Disabled Children’s Team Resource Panel - Terms of Reference January 2023
Disabled Children’s Team Resource Panel - Application form (word doc) January 2023
Disabled Childrens Team Eligibility Criteria January 2022
DSCO (Designated Social Care Officer) Tribunal Guidance March 2022
Social Work Statement for Extended Tribunal Template April 2022
EHCP Screening Tool August 2021
Local Offer September 2021
New Service Package or Transition between Service Providers - Guidance October 2022
Northumberland's Transition Policy August 2021
NCC Guidance for the Provision of Social Care Advice for Education, Health and Care Assessments and Plans (EHCPs) August 2021
Role of SEND Champion August 2021
Family and Friends Care  
Private Fostering FLOWCHART January 2023
PF guidance support for forms (and audit template) - WORD January 2023
PF 1 - Information on Proposed Carer August 2021
PF 2 - Letter to Private Fosterer's Acknowledging Intention August 2021
PF 3 - Notification of Proposed Private Fostering August 2021
PF 4 - Letter to Parents Acknowledging Intention August 2021
PF 5 - Social Worker Checklist August 2021
PF 6 - Declaration of Suitability August 2021
PF 7 - Disqualification Letter August 2021
PF 8 - Authorisation to Seek References August 2021
PF 9 - Healthcare Authorisation August 2021
PF 10 - Letter Seeking References August 2021
PF 11 - Letter to Education Health Probation August 2021
PF 12 - Letter to OLA for Checks August 2021
PF 13 - Letter to Inform of Requirements August 2021
PF 14 - Acceptance of Requirements August 2021
PF 15 - Notification of Exemption of Fostering Limit August 2021
PF 16 - Refusal of Consent to Foster August 2021
PF 17 - Letter to Parent Approving PF Arrangement August 2021
PF 18 - Letter to Foster Carers re Approval to FP August 2021
PF 19 - Letter to Professionals Advising of PF August 2021
PF 20 - Record of Statutory Visit August 2021
PF 21 - Termination of PF Arrangements - Letter to Parents August 2021
PF 22 - Termination of PF Arrangements - Letter to Carers August 2021
PF 23 - Termination of PF Arrangements - Letter to Professionals August 2021
Private Fostering - DBS Disclosure Confirmation August 2021
Private Fostering - Instructions for DBS Applications August 2021
Private Fostering - Guidance for Carers August 2021
Private Fostering - Guidance for Children and Young People August 2021
Private Fostering - Guidance for Parents and Carers August 2021
Private Fostering - Guidance for Professionals August 2021
Private Fostering Med - Child's Health Record August 2021
Young Carers  
New Services for Young Carers August 2021
Young Carers Pathway August 2021
Deprivation of Liberty (DoL)  
DoLs SBAR Referral August 2021
Joint Housing Protocol For Homeless 16/17 Year Olds April 2023
Joint Housing Quick Reference Guide August 2021
Title: When Inserted:
Leaving Care and Transition  
Care and Your Rights August 2021
Care Leavers Safety Plan August 2021
Care Leavers Strategy (2023-2025) Updated: February 2024
Care Leavers Accommodation and Support Protocol (CLASP) Revised: April 2023
Entitlements in Higher Education August 2021
Financial Entitlements for Care Leavers August 2021

NAS Finance Policy - Dec 23

Revised: December 2023
Northumberland's Transition Policy August 2021
Placement Retention Protocol August 2021
Where You'll Live in Care August 2021
Who's Who in Children's Care August 2021
Your Pathway Plan August 2021
Education, School Trips and Holidays  
Children in Care Travelling Abroad during Covid 19 August 2021
EHCP and LAC Review Processes August 2021
Pupil Premium Plus for Looked After Children Arrangements 2021-22 August 2021
School Placement Protocol August 2021
School Placement Protocol for Looked After Children - Template August 2021
Decision to Look After and Care Planning  
Decision Making Meeting (DMM) - Agenda Template August 2021
Decision Making Meeting (DMM) - Minutes Template August 2021
Placement with Parents February 2022
Section 20 - Revised January 2022
Monitoring and Review  
IRO - Constructive Challenge Resolution Process November 2023
Philomena Protocol Flowchart August 2021
Philomena Protocol Flyer August 2021
Philomena Protocol Missing Person Incident - MFH1 August 2021
Philomena Protocol Risk Assessed Locations Contacts - MFH2 August 2021
SDQs Guidance for Designated Teachers August 2021
SDQs Guidance for Social Workers August 2021
SDQs Guidance - Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire August 2021
Contact and Overnight Stays  
Expressing Milk - Guidance August 2021
Health and Wellbeing  

EU Settlement Scheme Guidance and Implementation Plan

October 2023

Youth Justice  
Northumberland Decriminalisation Protocol June 2022
Title: When Inserted:
Fostering Services  
Adoption and Permanence Services  
Adopt North East September 2021
Adoption Support Policy August 2021
Special Guardianship Order (SGO) and Child Arrangement Order (CAO) Allowance August 2021