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Data Protection Policy 30/11/2021 (intranet) - Review Apr 2024
Complaints Policy and Procedure 30/11/2021 (intranet) - Review Apr 2024
Whistleblowing Policy and Procedure 01/11/2022 (intranet)
Ordinary Residence Policy 23/11/2021 - Review Apr 2024
The Local Offer to Care Leavers 30/11/2021 (intranet) - Review Apr 2024
The Local Offer to Care Leavers (Document) 13/12/2021 - Review Apr 2024
Health and Safety Policy 17/11/2021 (intranet) - Review Apr 2024
Croydon Health Wellbeing and Adult Social Care Procedures 20/10/2021 (Intranet) - Review Apr 2024
Code of Conduct 18/01/2022 - (Intranet Link)
HR Policies and Procedures 11/04/2022 - (Intranet Link)
Equality and Diversity   29/06/2022 - (Intranet Link)
Equality Pledge 29/06/2022 - (Intranet Link)
Induction - Adult Social Care and Health 29/06/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Procure to Pay - Brought in Goods and Services 06/06/2023 - (Intranet Link)

Travel Assistance Policy and Process 12/04/2022 - Review April 2024
Croydon Council-Our Commitment to Adult Social Care 06/06/2023 - Review April 2024
Social Work England Professional Standards 23/11/2021 (online resource)
What Are Our Values 29/06/2022 - (Intranet Link)
Understanding Our Values 29/06/2022 - (Intranet Link)
Nolan Principles 29/06/2022 - (Intranet Link)
Communication Protocols 01/11/2021 - Review Apr 2024
Recording General Guidance 01/11/2021 - Review Apr 2024
Where records should be recorded 01/11/2021 - Review Apr 2024
Standards of Timeliness of Recording 01/11/2021 - Review Apr 2024
Retention of Records 01/11/2021 - Review Apr 2024
Information Sharing  
Keeping Information Safe 01/11/2021 - Review Apr 2024
Golden Rules to Information Sharing 01/11/2021 - Review Apr 2024
Confidentiality and Information Sharing Flowchart 01/11/2021 - Review Apr 2024
Providing and Sharing Your Information 26/04/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Preparation of case files for a living person 01/11/2021 - Review Apr 2024
Subject access requests in respect of a deceased person 01/11/2021 - Review Apr 2024
Individual Rights to Object to the Processing of Their Personal Data 20/03/2023 - Review Nov 2024
Updated Right to Object process - for TriX 20/03/2023 - Review Nov 2024
Safeguarding responsibilities  
Safeguarding Duties and Responsibilities 13/01/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Consent, Capacity and Information Sharing 12/07/2018 - Review April 2019
Safeguarding and Advocacy 13/01/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Carers and Safeguarding 13/01/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Croydon Safeguarding Adults Escalation Protoco 21/04/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Risk Assessment (also see main risk section of Local Resources)  
Safeguarding Risk Assessment Guidance Tool 23.04.2022 - Review Apr 2024
Attending Panels (including MARAC, Risk and Vulnerability Panel, Channel Panel) 15/02/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Safeguarding Concern  
Abuse 13/01/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Stage One: Raising a Concern 12/07/2018 - Review Apr 2024
Responding to a Safeguarding Concern 10/10/2018
Fact Finding and Section 42 Split 10/10/2018
Trading Standards 13/01/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Health Report for S42 Enquiry 27/10/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Provider Concerns  
Provider Concerns 02/11/2022 - Review Apr 2024
IT Processes  
Safeguarding checklist - unallocated cases via CAS team 12/07/2019 - Review April 2020
Safeguarding checklist - allocated cases via CAS team  12/0720/19 - Review April 2020
Safeguarding checklist - allocated cases via allocated worker 12/07/2019 - Review April 2020
Safeguarding checklist - unallocated cases, S42 team 05/03/2018 - Review April 2020
Safeguarding case note headlines 01/04/2016 - Review April 2020
Safeguarding Process Guidance LAS 30/05/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Non-Statutory Responses  
Non-Statutory Safeguarding Responses 10/10/2018
Enquiry to Close  
Stage Two: Enquiry 10/10/2018
Stage Three: Safeguarding Plan and Review 17/12/2018
Stage Four: Closing the Enquiry 12/07/2018 - Review April 2019
Death and serious harm  
Death of an adult at risk 13/01/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Safeguarding Adults Board and Review 13/01/2022 - Review Apr 2024
SAR Request Form 15/02/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Croydon SAR Framework  15/02/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Safeguarding in specific circumstances  
Self Neglect and Hoarding Guidance and Processes 10/04/2019
MARAC Referral Form 14/09/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Dash Risk Checklist Quick Start Guidance 15/02/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Modern Day Slavery and Human Trafficking 14/09/2022 - Review Apr 2024
LWG Local Authorities Modern Slavery Protocol-Statutory Duties and Powers 14/09/2022 - Review Apr 2024
LWG Local Authorities Modern Slavery Protocol-Definitions and Indicators 14/09/2022 - Review Apr 2024
LWG Local Authorities Modern Slavery Protocol-NRM Process Guide 14/09/2022 - Review Apr 2024
LWG Local Authorities Modern Slavery Protocol-Referral Pathway 14/09/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Controlling and coercive behaviour in an intimate or family relationship 14/09/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Radicalisation 12/07/2018 - Review April 2019
FGM Guidance 13/01/2022 - (online resource)
LAS Adult Safeguarding Checklist Allocated Cases Reviewed 30/05/2022 - Review Apr 2024
LAS Adult Safeguarding Checklist Unallocated Cases Reviewed 30/05/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Power and Control Wheel 14/09/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Adult Safeguarding Consultation Document 14/09/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Final SAM Discussion Template  14/09/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Domestic Violence Domestic Abuse 14/09/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Forced Marriage Guidance and Resources  
Forced Marriage Guidance and Procedure 14/09/2022 - Review Apr 2024
What is a Forced Marriage? 14/09/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Multi-agency practice guidelines: Handling cases of Forced Marriage 14/09/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Marriage: It's your choice 02/11/2022 (online resource) - Review Apr 2024
*please also see main Tri.x site  
Deciding to Create a Lasting Power of Attorney 18/01/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Mental Capacity Assessment / DoLS 30/11/2021 (intranet)
Mental Capacity Guidance Note Relevant Information for Different Categories of Decision 09/05/2023 - Review Nov 2024
Mental Capacity Guidance Note Capacity Assessment 09/05/2023 - Review Nov 2024

Introduction to Section 117 Services 23/11/2021 - Review Apr 2024
Procedure for Discharge from Sec 117 17/11/2021 - Review Apr 2024
Discharge from Sec 117 Pro Forma 17/11/2021 - Review Apr 2024
Continuation of Sec 117 Pro Forma 17/11/2021 - Review Apr 2024
Variation of Sec 117 Pro Forma 17/11/2021 - Review Apr 2024
Section 117 Final Policy 17/11/2021 - Review Apr 2024
AMHP Procedure 11/04/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Debt Respite Scheme  11/04/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Personal Health Budget Assessment - Process 11/04/2023 - Review Nov 2024
Section 117 & Personal Health Budget Processes 11/04/2023 - Review Nov 2024
Section 117 Aftercare Plan Process 11/04/2023 - Review Nov 2024
Risk to Person/Carer  
Suicide Prevention Protocol 02/11/2018 - Review Nov 2019
Missing Person Protocol Adult Social Care 26/07/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Cover sheet 72 hour Support and Intervention chart 23/11/2021 - Review Apr 2024
72 hour Support and Intervention chart 23/11/2021 - Review Apr 2024
Other Risk  
Lone Working Guidance 23/11/2021 - Review Apr 2024
Lone Working Policy 12/05/2022 - Intranet Link
Red File Scheme Policy and Procedures 12/05/2022 - Intranet Link
Personal Safety Guidance 12/05/2022 - Intranet Link
Preventing Violence to Staff 12/05/2022 - Intranet Link
Risk Management for Home Visits 12/05/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Herbert Protocol Form 30/05/2022 - Review Apr 2024
HFSV Referral Form Age UK 30/05/2022 - Review Apr 2024
D2A Process Requirement 26/04/2022 - Review Apr 2024
LIFE System Process Change 26/04/2022 - Review Apr 2024
A&E Liaison Service  
Community Reablement Handbook 26/04/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Overtime Worker Protocol 02/11/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Telecare Procedure 23/11/2021 - Review Apr 2024
CarelinePlus Procedure 30/11/2021 - Review Apr 2024
OT Aims, Objectives and Pathway 01/11/2021 - Review Apr 2024
OT Prioritisation and Response Times 01/11/2021 - Review Apr 2024
Provider Failure Policy and Procedures 16/03/2022 - Review Apr 2024
NRPF Subsistence Monies  
NRPF Subsistence Monies 17/11/2021 - Review Apr 2024
*please also see main Tri.x site  
D2A Process Requirement 26/04/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Carers Pathway  26/04/2022 - (Intranet Link)
Older People Duty Workflow Chart Revised 14/09/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Good Practice Examples  
Community-Power-The-Evidence 13/12/2021 - Review Apr 2024
LAS Guide - Good Conversation Record 13/12/2021 - Review Apr 2024
LAS Guide - Support Plan 13/12/2021 - Review Apr 2024
LAS Guide Review OR Reassessment 13/12/2021 - Review Apr 2024
Advocacy 21/02/2022 - (Intranet Link)
Community Led Support and the Good Conversations Model 12/04/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Carers Assessment 22/01/2024 - (Intranet Link)
A Guide To Carrying Out And Recording 30/05/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Disabilities Localities Postcodes 09/06/2022 - Review Apr 2024
OOB~Gazetteer 09/06/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Localities Postcode Checker 09/06/2022 - Review Apr 2024
LeDeR Review Information 18/01/2022 - (Intranet Link)
*please also see main Tri.x site  
Recording Different Types of Information 17/11/21 - Review Apr 2024
LAS Guide 29/06/2022 - (Intranet Link)
Information Management 29/06/2022 - (Intranet Link)
LAS Recording Dementia Information Guidance 09/05/2023 - Review Nov 2024
Certification and Registration of Visual Impairment 30/11/2021 - Review Apr 2024
*please also see main Tri.x site  
Paying for Adult Social Care 29/06/2022 - (Intranet Link)
Carer’s Assessment 29/06/2022 - (Intranet Link)
Carers Support and Advice 29/06/2022 - (Intranet Link)
Carers Allowance 29/06/2022 - (Intranet Link)
*please also see main Tri.x site  
Direct Payments  
What Direct Payments Can Be Spent On 12/05/2022 - Review Apr 2024
What Carers Direct Payments can be spent on 12/05/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Direct Payments FAQ 12/05/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Direct Payments LAS Guidebook-Appendix 1 20/10/2021 - Review Apr 2024
Direct Payment Process_VISIO 20/10/2021 - Review Apr 2024
ASC Direct Payments Agreement 06/06/2024 - Review Nov 2025
Direct Payments Rights and Responsibilities 06/06/2024 - Review Nov 2025
Choosing a Direct Payments Account Type 06/06/2024 - Review Nov 2025
Direct Payments Setup Process 06/06/2024 - Review Nov 2025
Direct Payment Broker Agreement Final 06/06/2024 - Review Nov 2025
Direct Payments Rights and Responsibilities 06/06/2024 - Review Nov 2025
Independent Lives  
Croydon Personal Assistant Support Service Referral Form 06/06/2024 - Review Nov 2025
Who We Are - Independent Lives 06/06/2024 - Review Nov 2025
Croydon Service Profile  10/06/2024 - Review Nov 2025
DBS - Croydon One Page 10/06/2024 - Review Nov 2025
Direct Payment Leaflet 10/06/2024 - Review Nov 2025
Virtual Wallets  
VW Quick Ref 2023 User 06/06/2024 - Review Nov 2025
Social Workers Guide to Virtual Wallet 2024 06/06/2024 - Review Nov 2025
*please also see main Tri.x site  
LAS Guide - Case Closure 02/11/2021 - Review Apr 2024
LAS Guide - Professional Involvements V2 02/11/2021 - Review Apr 2024
Case Closure Audit 09/04/2022 - Review Apr 2024
*please also see main Tri.x site  
Internal Referral Forms  
Croydon Children's Social Care Referral Form 23/11/2021 - Review Apr 2024
External Referral Forms  
Croydon Recovery Network Information  30/11/2022
PIC Service Community Referral Form 12/04/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Age UK Croydon (AUKC) Advice Service 07/02/2023 - Review Apr 2024
AUKC Advice Service ASC Referral Form 21/08/2023 - Review Apr 2025
Community Learning Disability Health Team Information  
Acute Liaison Nurse 09/08/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Behaviour Support 09/08/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Clinical Psychology 09/08/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Dietetics 09/08/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Nursing 09/08/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Physiotherapy 09/08/2022 - Review Apr 2024
SLT - Dysphagia 09/08/2022 - Review Apr 2024
SLT 09/08/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Team Leaflet 09/08/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Community Equipment Service (CES) 02/11/2022 - (Intranet)
Adult Social Care (ASC) Mandatory Training 2021-22  30/11/2021 - Review Apr 2024
Croydon Learning Pool 30/11/2021 (intranet)
Student Pre-Placement Guidance 30/11/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Croydon Adult Social Care ASYE Handbook 29/06/2022 - Review Apr 2024
BASW England - PEPS Refresh 2022 21/07/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Skills for Care ASYE Paperwork 02/11/2022 - (Intranet)
Mandatory Training Policy  02/11/2022 - Review Apr 2024
The Teaching Partnership ASYE Assessor Handbook 02/11/2022 - Review Apr 2024
The Teaching Partnership Assessment Guidance for NQSW - ASYE 02/11/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Induction - Adult Social Care and Health 02/11/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Quality Assurance Audits  
Quality Assurance Audits 29/06/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Internal Transfer Process 20/03/2019 - Review Apr 2020
ASC Supervision Policy Generic Croydon 19/09/2023 - Review Apr 2025
Supervision Agreement Template 14.11.23 14/11/2023 - Review Nov 2025
Record of Supervision Discussion 14.11.23 14/11/2023 - Review Nov 2025
Induction - Adult Social Care and Health 02/11/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Job Descriptions  
Advanced Social Worker (Adults) Role Profile updated Feb 21 09/03/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Advice and Early Intervention Lead - Role Profile updated Feb 21 09/03/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Experienced Social Worker (Adults) Role Profile updated Feb 21 09/03/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Health & Welbeing Assessor (Integrated Care Networks) updated Feb 21 09/03/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Health & Wellbeing Assessor ( Adults Front Door) Role Profile updated Feb 21 09/03/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Health & Wellbeing Officer (Adults Front Door) Role Profile updated Feb 21 09/03/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Health & Wellbeing Officer (Integrated Care Teams) Role Profile updated Feb 21 09/03/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Newly Qualified Social Worker (Adults) Role Profile updated Feb 21 09/03/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Service Manager (Adults - Localities) Role profile updated Feb 21 09/03/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Social Worker (Adults) Role Profile - updated Feb 21 09/03/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Social Worker Apprentice (Adults) Role Profile - updated Feb 21 09/03/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Team Manager (Adults FD) Role Profile - updated Feb 21 09/03/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Team Manager (Adults) Role Profile - updated Feb 21 09/03/2022 - Review Apr 2024
CPD Protected Time  
CPD Protected Time 13/07/2023 - Review Apr 2025
Terms of Reference  
Terms of Reference Final ASCH EDI Board 06/03/2024 - Review Nov 2025
Bitesize Presentation- Guidance for Social Workers 12/04/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Hoarding and Risk Mitigation Process 12/04/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Hospital Intervention Procedure 12/04/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Mental Capacity Policy for ECH 12/04/2022 - Review Apr 2024
On Call Procedure 12/04/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Pull Cord Failure - Contingency Plan 12/04/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Sudden Death Protocol 12/04/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Pre-Placement Checks 13/07/2023 - Review Apr 2025
End of Tenancy Alerts Procedure 13/07/2023 - Review Apr 2025
New Tenant Items List 13/07/2023 - Review Apr 2025
Continuing Health Care Consent Information Sharing Form 25/04/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Dispute Form 26/04/2022 - Review Apr 2024
National Framework For NHS Continuing Healthcare Easy Read 02/11/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Revised National Framework 29/06/2022 - Review Apr 2024
LAS Guide to Recording CHC Funding 29/06/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Revised Fast Track Tool  27/07/2022 - Review Apr 2024
DST Tool Revised 27/07/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Public Information Leaflet NHS CHC and FNC 29/06/2022 - (Intranet Link)
NHS Checklist Revised 14/12/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Domestic Abuse Support  12/05/2022 - Intranet Link
Preventing and Managing Work Place Stress Tool  12/05/2022 - Intranet Link
Employee Assistance Programme 12/05/2022 - Intranet Link
Financial Support and Wellbeing 12/05/2022 - Intranet Link
Guardian Support 12/05/2022 - Intranet Link
Check Your Financial Support    29/06/2022 - Intranet Link
Staff Networks 02/11/2022 - Intranet Link
Staying Put Referral Form  09/06/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Croydon Emergency Loan 09/06/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Home Improvement Loan 09/06/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Home Repair Loan 09/06/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Staying Put Services 02/11/2022 - (Intranet)
Active Lives - Bitesize Presentation 29/06/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Active Lives Referral Form 29/06/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Attending the Coroner’s Court 29/06/2022 - Review Apr 2024
AIB Main LBC Account 04/07/2022 - Review Apr 2024
Helping Someone Make A Decisions 02/11/2022 - (Intranet)
Making an Application for Appointee or Deputy 02/11/2022 - (Intranet)
Covert Medications Policy 12/07/2023 - Intranet Link
Community Equipment Service 28/04/2022 - Intranet Link
Out of Borough Placement 06/02/2023 - Review Apr 2024
Practice Observation Template 2023 19/09/2023 - Review Apr 2025
Croydon Comprehensive Audit Tool 2023 19/09/2023 - Review Apr 2025
Case File Audit Tool 2023 19/09/2023 - Review Apr 2025
Audit Analysis and Grading Guidance 2023 19/09/2023 - Review Apr 2025
Adult Health and Social Care Audit Plan 2023 19/09/2023 - Review Apr 2025
Quality Assurance Framework Policy for Adult Social Care- Final Version 19/09/2023 - Review Apr 2025
Quality Assurance Panel  
ASCH  ToR for Practice and Quality Assurance Panel  Oct 23 15/04/2024 - Review Nov 2026
ASCH Practice and Quality Assurance Panel Blank Request Form January 2024 23/01/2024 - Review Nov 2026
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