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Title: When Inserted:
Children and Families Directorate Dictionary 15.11.2022


Title: When Inserted:
Title: When Inserted:
PLO Assessment Plan 25.08.2021
Pre-Proceedings Guidance 15.03.2022
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RCBC Guidance for Life Story Work  24.01.2023
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Title: When Inserted:
Procedures & Processes  
VEMT Procedure V11 October 2020 25/03/2021 
Teeswide Strategic VEMT Partnership January 2021 02/09/2021
Tees Protocol for Children Missing from Home and Care Version 4 2022 20/06/2022
VEMT Practitioners Group Monthly Process V4 September 2020 02/09/2021
VEMT Practitioners Group Terms of Reference V8 January 2021 02/09/2021
VEMT Practitioners Group Weekly Process V1 September 2020 02/09/2021
VEMT Process Daily MACH Meetings V3 August 2021 02/09/2021
VEMT Process Daily Police Neighbourhood Meetings V1 February 2021 02/09/2021
VEMT Process Pupil Inclusion Panel Meetings V1 March 2021 02/09/2021
VEMT Process Vulnerability and Exploitation Tracker V4 October 2021 10/11/2021
VEMT Process - Missing Children Review Meetings V1 Dec 2022 04/01/2023
Virtual Monthly VPG Meeting Process V2 September 2020 02/09/2021
VEMT Practitioners Group Flowchart Monthly Meeting V4 September 2020 02/09/2021
VEMT Practitioners Group Flowchart Virtual Process Covid-19 restrictions V2 June 2020 02/09/2021
VEMT Practitioners Group Flowchart Weekly Meeting V1 September 2020 02/09/2021
VEMT Process Police Missing Persons Trigger Plans V1 September 2021 10/11/2021
Modern Slavery, Human Trafficking & Exploitation Victim Care Pathway 22/12/2021
Modern Slavery, Human Trafficking & Exploitation Procedure  22/12/2021
Modern Slavery National Referral Mechanisms and Section 45 Defence 29/08/2023
Digital Safeguarding Toolkit May 2024 20/06/24
CCE Toolkit September 2021 10/11/2021
Pack 1 - Guide for Professionals Version 1 June 2020 04/11/2020 
Pack 2 - Guide for Children at Risk Version 1 June 2020 04/11/2020 
Pack 3 - Guide for Parents or Carers Version 1 June 2020 04/11/2020 
Pack 4 - Resources for Further Learning Version 1 June 2020 04/11/2020
Partnership Information Sharing Form updated Feb 2021 25/03/2021
VEMT Child Exploitation and Missing Pre-screening Tool - V1 Dec 2022 09/01/2023
How Safe Do I Feel Form July 2020 02/09/2021
SAFER Referral July 2020 02/09/2021
SECOS Referral Form 2017 02/09/2021
Teeswide Child Exploitation Screening Tool August 2020 02/09/2021
Modern Slavery/Human Trafficking Assessment Eight Point Checklist 22/12/2021
Philomena Protocol - Part A: Person at Risk of Missing 12/07/2022
Philomena Protocol - Part B: Missing Report 12/07/2022
Philomena Protocol - Risk Assessed Locations & Contacts 12/07/2022
Guides 02/09/2021
CCE A Guide for Parents and Carers 02/09/2021
VEMT Definitions June 2019 02/09/2021
VEMT Meeting A Guide for Parents and Carers 02/09/2021
VEMT Risk Level Categories V2 July 2019 02/09/2021
Guide for Professionals: Children, Young People & Modern Slavery 22/12/2021
Guidance on Referrals and Safeguarding Processes 22/12/2021
NRM Guide for Children & Young People 22/12/2021
Slang Dictionary  22/12/2021
Philomena Protocol - Information for Care Staff 12/07/2022
Philomena Protocol - Flowchart 12/07/2022
CAWN Guidance for Social Workers 12/07/2022
Community Protection Warnings and Notices VEMT Guidance Note Feb 23 08/03/2023
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Getting on Better Cards  
1. Stages and Changes 20.10.22
2. Logs and Fires 20.10.22
3. Conflict Styles 20.10.22
4. Magic 5-1 Ratio 20.10.22
5. Communicate Better 20.10.22
6. Harmful and Helpful 20.10.22
7. Child Roles 20.10.22
8. Parent Roles 20.10.22
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Social Workers Digital Library 11.04.2022
Beacon House: Resources 14.04.2022
Social Workers Toolbox: Tools and Resources 14.04.2022
Genogram Guide 18.10.22
Practice Workshops
(to access, go to internal folder S:\ChildServ\C&F Resources\Practice Workshops)
Title: When Inserted:
Quality Assurance Framework 21.02.2024