Title: | When Inserted: |
Key Strategic Documents | |
RCBC Service Plan, Practice Standards & Pledges | 20.04.2023 |
Redcar & Cleveland Neglect Strategy | 30.08.2022 |
Early Help Strategy | 23.08.2021 |
Supervision Documents | |
Children & Families Supervision Policy 2024 | 21.02.2024 |
Participation with Children and Families | |
Children & Families Voice and Influence Strategy 2021-2023 | 23.08.2021 |
Viewpoint Information for RCBC Staff | 06.09.2021 |
Involving Young People in the Recruitment Process | |
Involving Young People in the Recruitment Process Guidance | 12.07.2022 |
Involving Young People in the Recruitment Process Practical Tips for Staff | 12.07.2022 |
Consent Form | 12.07.2022 |
Mini Bus Risk Assessment | 12.07.2022 |
Young People's Panel Question Template & Score Sheet | 12.07.2022 |
Young People's Voice Survey | 12.07.2022 |
Thank You Letter (Young People's Panel) | 12.07.2022 |
Young People's Certificate | 12.07.2022 |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Tees Threshold Document | 15.02.2022 |
MACH Operating Procedures June 2023 | 28.07.2023 |
Guide for Professionals - Making a Referral | 10.05.2023 |
Early Help | |
Early Help Strategy | 23.08.2021 |
Early Help Guidance Notes | 03.02.2023 |
Early Help Assessment and Plan Guide for Families | 23.08.2021 |
Early Help Clinic | 03.02.2023 |
Early Help Privacy Notice | 03.02.2023 |
Early Help Referral Form | 03.02.2023 |
Family Hub Referral Form | 03.02.2023 |
How to Complete EHA and TAF Plan | 03.02.2023 |
Step Up and Step Down Procedure | 19.01.2022 |
Supporting Families Programme | 03.02.2023 |
Supporting Families Toolkit | 03.02.2023 |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Family Hub Referral Form | 03.01.2024 |
Family Hub Registration Form | 30.08.2022 |
Integrated Pathway - Family Hubs and Health Visitors Together | 30.08.2022 |
Family Hub Privacy Notice (Apr 22) | 30.08.2022 |
Home Safety Assessment | 12.07.2022 |
R&C Family Hubs Infant Feeding Policy 2021 | 30.08.2022 |
Family Hubs Annual Report 2021 | 16.09.2022 |
Family Hub Consultation and Supplementary Documents | |
Family Hub Review Consultation Document | 13.03.2023 |
Family Hub Consultation FAQs | 13.03.2023 |
Family Hub Local Needs Assessment Scores and Ranking | 09.03.2023 |
Family Hub Options Appraisal Scores | 09.03.2023 |
Family Hub Map | 09.03.2023 |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Prevention Team Annual Report 2020 | 21/09/2021 |
Prevention Team Service Improvement Plan 2020 | 21/09/2021 |
EARS Process - Turning Questions into Conversations | 21/09/2021 |
The Junction Referral Form | 11/04/2022 |
Cleveland Police Early Intervention Referral Form | 11/04/2022 |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Youth Community Service Annual Report 2021 | 21/09/2021 |
Youth Community Service Provisions Leaflet | 20/10/2023 |
Attendance Form | 21/09/2021 |
Session Form | 21/09/2021 |
Session Form Ad Hoc/Informal | 21/09/2021 |
Session Form Virtual | 21/09/2021 |
Membership Form | 21/09/2021 |
Recorded Outcomes Form | 21/09/2021 |
Accredited Outcomes Form | 21/09/2021 |
Intervention Form For EHM/Protocol | 21/09/2021 |
Young Person's Evaluation Form | 21/09/2021 |
Child Protection Flow Chart | 21/09/2021 |
Employee Next Of Kin Form | 21/09/2021 |
Career Progression Scheme | 21/09/2021 |
Additional Hours Claim Form | 21/09/2021 |
Drivers Declaration | 21/09/2021 |
Declaration Not To Drive | 21/09/2021 |
Title: | When Inserted: |
MACH Operating Procedures June 2023 | 28.07.2023 |
Chronologies Guidance | 20.04.2021 |
3 Minute Chronology Briefing | 15.02.2022 |
Case Transfer Procedure V7 October 2020 | 26.08.2021 |
Caseload Management Guidance V4 September 2020 | 15.02.2021 |
Local Assessment Protocol January 2021 | 08.12.2021 |
Quality Assurance and Challenge for Child Protection | 07.12.2022 |
Child Protection 2 Minute Guide | 20.06.2024 |
Child Protection Medical Assessment | |
RCBC Procedure for Child Protection Medical Assessment | 09.03.2021 |
South Tees Child Protection Assessment Referral Pathway NORMAL WORKING HOURS | 09.03.2021 |
South Tees Child Protection Assessment Referral Pathway OUT OF HOURS | 09.03.2021 |
South Tees Child Protection Assessment SOP 2021 | 09.03.2021 |
Resource Team Processes and Forms | |
Resource Service on a page | 26.09.2023 |
Referral Form - Families Together, Family Time, Therapy | 26.09.2023 |
Families Together, Family Time Processes | 26.09.2023 |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Title: | When Inserted: |
PLO Assessment Plan | 25.08.2021 |
Pre-Proceedings Guidance | 15.03.2022 |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Children & Families Complaints, Compliments and Comments Procedure | 08.07.2021 |
RCBC Whistleblowing Policy | 08.07.2021 |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Children & Families Retention and Disposal Guide | 15.02.2023 |
Subject Access Request Form and ID Guidance | 08.07.2021 |
Good Language Guide | 24.02.2023 |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Joint Protocol: 16/17 year old young people who may be homeless and/or require accommodation | 12/08/2022 |
Guide for Homeless 16 and 17 year olds | 04/04/2023 |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Family and Friends Care Guide | 20.03.2024 |
Private Fostering Flow Chart | 23.08.2022 |
Private Fostering Poster | 16.08.2022 |
Private Fostering - Advice for Professionals Working with Children | 16.08.2022 |
Ukrainian Children - Private Fostering Process | 26.02.2024 |
Ukrainian Children - Support Service Information for Housing Standards | 26.02.2024 |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Title: | When Inserted: |
RCBC Guidance for Life Story Work | 24.01.2023 |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Disruption Meeting Guidance | 12/07/2022 |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Sufficiency Strategy 2021 - 2024 | 14.03.2024 |
Placement of a Child in Care with a Parent: Procedures & Practice Guidance | 15.03.2022 |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Dispute Resolution Procedure | 12/07/2022 |
R&C Visiting Frequency | 14/0/2024 |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Family Time Service Policy and Procedure Sept 2023 | 26.09.2023 |
Policy Appendix 1 - Family Time, Families Together, Therapy Processes | 26.09.2023 |
Policy Appendix 2 - Family Time, Families Together Referral Form | 26.09.2023 |
Policy Appendix 3 - Family Time Agreement Booklet | 14.03.2023 |
Policy Appendix 4 - Behaviour in Family Time | 14.03.2023 |
Policy Appendix 5 - Blank Family Time Arrangements Form | 26.09.2023 |
Policy Appendix 6 - Case Note Proforma | 14.03.2023 |
Policy Appendix 7 - Suspension of Family Time | 14.03.2023 |
Title: | When Inserted: |
EPEP Guidance Booklet September 2021 | 06.09.2021 |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Tattoo and Piercing Policy | 23.08.22 |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Local Offer for Care Leavers | 09.03.2022 |
Care Leavers Survey - Data and Privacy Notice | 29.10.2020 |
TARGET - List of Useful Contacts | 29.10.2020 |
Energy Advice for Personal Advisors | 21.12.2022 |
RCBC Supported Lodgings Policy | 22.07.2023 |
RCBC Staying Put Guidance | 22.07.2023 |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Title: | When Inserted: |
A -Z for Foster Carers October 2021 | 23.08.22 |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Title: | When Inserted: |
SGO Referral Form | 16/10/2019 |
SGO Guidance on referrals | 30/09/2021 |
Question and Answer Sheet | 30/09/2021 |
SGO Team PowerPoint | 18/10/2022 |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Scheme of Delegation Sept 2023 | 06.10.2023 |
School Contacts March 2022 | 14.04.2022 |
Title | When Inserted: |
Practitioner Guides | |
20/06/2022 | |
28/11/2019 - KS | |
28/11/2019 - KS | |
28/11/2019 - KS | |
28/11/2019 - KS | |
26/01/2023 | |
11/04/2022 | |
11/04/2022 | |
11/04/2022 | |
11/04/2022 | |
24/02/2023 | |
My Three Houses | |
28/11/2019 - KS | |
28/11/2019 - KS | |
28/11/2019 - KS | |
20/06/2022 | |
Documents for Partners & Foster Carers | |
20/06/2022 | |
28/11/2019 - KS | |
20/06/2022 | |
Safety House Guidance | |
28/11/2019 - KS | |
28/11/2019 - KS | |
28/11/2019 - KS | |
28/11/2019 - KS | |
Information for Families | |
13/01/23 | |
04/01/23 | |
12/07/22 | |
12/07/22 | |
13/01/23 | |
12/07/22 |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Redcar & Cleveland Care Leaver Covenant | 20.06.2021 |
Implementing the Care Leaver Covenant Presentation January 2022 | 19.01.2022 |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Getting on Better Cards | |
1. Stages and Changes | 20.10.22 |
2. Logs and Fires | 20.10.22 |
3. Conflict Styles | 20.10.22 |
4. Magic 5-1 Ratio | 20.10.22 |
5. Communicate Better | 20.10.22 |
6. Harmful and Helpful | 20.10.22 |
7. Child Roles | 20.10.22 |
8. Parent Roles | 20.10.22 |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Social Workers Digital Library | 11.04.2022 |
Beacon House: Resources | 14.04.2022 |
Social Workers Toolbox: Tools and Resources | 14.04.2022 |
Genogram Guide | 18.10.22 |
Practice Workshops (to access, go to internal folder S:\ChildServ\C&F Resources\Practice Workshops) |
12.08.22 |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Quality Assurance Framework | 21.02.2024 |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Primary to Secondary Transition Strategies Checklist | 21.09.2022 |
Anxiety Management Strategies for Teaching Staff | 21.09.2022 |
Thinking about your post 16 options? | 07.02.2023 |
Personal Travel Budget Mileage Calculator | 25.09.2024 |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Protocol for Young People to be Transferred to LA Accommodation under PACE April 2020 | 15.02.23 |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Redcar & Cleveland Supporting Families Toolkit | 28.07.2022 |
Welfare Rights Service Referral Form | 15.07.2022 |
Minute Talking Guidance | 18.11.2022 |
Cost of Living Advice - Leaflet for Households | 16.12.2022 |