Title: | When Inserted: |
Need to know process flow chart | 04/11/24 |
Need to know blank (Oct 24) | 28/11/24 |
Transfer Protocol | 10/12/20 |
Panels Review March 23 | 06/04/23 |
Point of You Child and Young Person Feedback Service | 25/10/23 |
Serious Child Safeguarding Incident Notification Process | 27/11/24 |
Serious child safeguarding incident guidance | 28/11/24 |
Rapid review flowchart | 04/11/24 |
Language that cares policy April 24 | 24/04/24 |
Title: | /When Inserted:/ |
Observation of Practice Policy | 08/11/24 |
Guidance on undertaking observation of practice | 08/11/24 |
Torbay Quality Assurance and Continuous Improvement Framework | 16/03/22 |
Case supervision template (Feb 21) | 23/02/21 |
Personal supervision template | 11/11/24 |
Torbay supervision monitoring form (Feb 21) | 23/02/21 |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Audit tool latest version Feb 21 | 01/03/21 |
QA AUDIT FRAMEWORK FEB 25 | 04/02/25 |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Torbay Missing Children's process | 18/02/25 |
Torbay Missing Children Flow Chart July 22 | 28/02/23 |
Missing Children's Strategy | 18/02/25 |
Torbay complex strategy referral form | 18/12/20 |
NRM Practice Guidance Feb 25 | 18/02/25 |
Title: | When Inserted: |
MASH referral form | 03/11/23 |
Threshold Toolkit: http://www.torbaysafeguarding.org.uk/toolkit/ |
06/11/20 |
Torbay Early help webpage: http://www.torbay.gov.uk/earlyhelp |
06/11/20 |
03/11/23 | |
21/02/25 |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Written agreements template | 06/11/20 |
Torbay Joint Protocol for working together to support parents with a learning disability Feb 2024 | 27/11/24 |
Care plans timeliness and format practice standard Nov 24 | 28/11/24 |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Risk assessment template | 22/10/24 |
TSCB CIN Protocol | 06/11/20 |
Core Group Practice Standards Feb 25 | 18/02/25 |
Practice standards - Strategy meetings and Sec 47 investigations Feb 25 | 18/02/25 |
Child safeguarding practice review panel guidance | 06/11/23 |
Transfer in and transfer out policy for CP conferences | 01/02/24 |
Preparing for Adulthood Joint Protocol | 10/07/24 |
Interim Sec 17 Child in Need Process | 02/09/24 |
Care plans timeliness and format practice standard Nov 24 | 28/11/24 |
Access to Resources TOR | 07/10/24 |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Panels Review | 06/04/23 |
SWET Guidance Nov 23 | 04/12/23 |
Pre-birth assessment template Dec 23 | 04/12/23 |
Legal gateway meeting referral | 01/02/24 |
Terms of Reference Legal Gateway Panel | 06/02/24 |
Children Subject to ISO | 08/07/24 |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Referrer guidelines and work sheet | 04/11/24 |
Family Group Conference form guidance | 04/11/24 |
Family Group Conference flow chart | 04/11/24 |
Family Group Conference referral form | 04/11/24 |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Torbay Council Whistleblowing procedure: http://insight/information/audit/whistleblowing/ |
06/11/20 |
12/10/23 | |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Need to know process flow chart | 28/04/24 |
Need to know blank | 28/04/24 |
Serious child safeguarding incident guidance | 04/11/24 |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Language that cares policy April 24 | 24/04/24 |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Torbay Parent Carers Assessment of Need and Plan of Support | 19/03/21 |
Review of Children's Disability Team Visiting Frequency | 19/03/21 |
Early Help Pathway Procedures | 14/01/22 |
Short Breaks Statement | 02/01/25 |
Title: | When Inserted: |
https://www.gov.uk/asylum-support/what-youll-get | 06/11/20 |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Youth Homelessness Process / Pathway | 06/05/22 |
Terms of reference YHP and access to supported accommodation panel | 28/11/24 |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Viability Assessment | 14/01/22 |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Torbay Council young carers web page: https://www.torbay.gov.uk/children-and-families/services-and-support/young-carers/ | 06/11/20 |
Torbay Parent Carers Assessment of Need and Plan of Support | 19/03/21 |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Adopt South West: Birth families and the adoption process | Support and rights (adoptsouthwest.org.uk) | 06/11/20 |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Care planning reviews for children subject to a placement order |
06/11/20 |
10/12/20 | |
18/02/25 | |
Becoming Cared For Guide and Resource Pack | 18/02/25 |
From a distance looked after children living away from their home area (Ofsted thematic review) | 05/03/21 |
Care Planning Pathways Flowchart | 18/02/25 |
Short Term or Initial Matching Flowchart | 25/11/21 |
Fostering Placement Planning Form | 16/02/22 |
Residential Placement Planning Form | 16/02/22 |
Joint Funding Panel TOR | 12/06/23 |
TOR Access to Resource Panel | 12/10/23 |
TOR iPOP | 12/10/23 |
TOR YHPP | 12/10/23 |
TOR Legal Tracking Meeting | 12/10/23 |
TOR Legal Gateway Panel | 12/10/23 |
TOR Transitions Panel | 12/10/23 |
EP National Standards | 12/10/23 |
SWET Guidance Nov 23 | 04/12/23 |
Pre-birth assessment template Dec 23 | 04/12/23 |
TOR Unborn Baby Panel | 18/02/25 |
S20 Torbay guidance for Social Workers UPDATED Jan 2024 | 30/08/24 |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Out of County Placements Protocol | 03/12/21 |
Fostering Placement Planning Form | 22/03/22 |
Residential Placement Planning Form | 22/03/22 |
Guidance for temporary approval of connected person's assessment | 21/02/25 |
Title: | When Inserted: |
04/11/24 | |
04/11/24 | |
Care plans timeliness and format practice standard | 04/11/24 |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Family Time Flowchart | 31/03/21 |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Unborn baby protocol | 06/11/20 |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Care leavers entitlements | 06/11/20 |
Children looked after and leaving care referral and transfer protocol July 2020 | 06/11/20 |
Referral for Young Person Transitioning into Adult Services | 31/03/21 |
Transitions Guide and Resource Pack | 25/11/21 |
Local Offer for Care Experienced Adults and Young People | 03/12/21 |
Protocol when care experienced adult go missing | 03/12/21 |
Preparing for Adulthood Joint Protocol | 10/07/24 |
Title: | When Inserted: |
TYJS Quality Assurance Policy 2024 | 26/09/24 |
TYJS Prevention Referral Form | 26/09/24 |
Case management guidance | 07/10/24 |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Title: | When Inserted: |
06/11/20 | |
Back up carers assessment and agreement | 06/11/20 |
Foster Carer Annual Review Flowchart | 03/12/21 |
Torbay Fostering Family Charter | 03/12/21 |
Fostering Friendly Policy | 12/06/23 |
Foster Carer Workshop agenda and feedback gathered | 12/06/23 |
Payment During Allegations | 12/06/23 |
Refer an Applicant Scheme | 12/06/23 |
Birth Children Handbook | 12/06/23 |
Stability and Disruption Chart | 12/06/23 |
Fostering Annual Report 22 to 23 | 12/10/23 |
Fostering Recruitment Strategy 2023 - 26 | 12/10/23 |
Torbay Fostering Statement of Purpose 2023 to 24 | 28/05/24 |
Guidance for temporary approval of connected person's assessment | 21/02/25 |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Adoption South West website: https://www.adoptsouthwest.org.uk/birth-families/ | 06/11/20 |
Adoption One Page Practice and Process Flowchart | 03/12/21 |
National Early Permanence Practice Standards | 08/07/24 |
Title: | When Inserted: |
06/11/20 | |
SGO Assessment Leaflet Nov 21 | 25/11/21 |
SGO Support Plan Flowchart Nov 21 | 25/11/21 |
Family First Carers Leaflet | 03/12/21 |
SGO Policy | 24/01/24 |
Former Foster Carer SGO Offer | 08/07/24 |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Scheme of delegation | 06/11/20 |