Title: | When Inserted: |
Workplace Induction Checklist (NCT) | v11 12/12/23 |
Team Induction Plan | v4 18/07/24 |
Workplace Induction Flowchart | v2 14/07/22 |
Young Northants (Homepage) | v1 05/06/19 |
Engagement and Participation with Children and Young People Guidelines - Statement of Purpose | v1 14/08/19 |
Support Offer for Care Experienced Adults Working in the Trust and Councils | v1 23/07/24 |
Our Relational Practice Approach | v1 09/08/24 |
What is Social Services Leaflet (Children's Guide) | v1 15/08/24 |
Your Guide to Social Services Leaflet (Teen's Guide) | v1 15/08/24 |
What is the Signs of Safety Approach Leaflet | v1 15/08/24 |
A Guide to Assessments Leaflet | v1 15/08/24 |
Signs of Safety Children and Young People Postcards | v1 10/10/24 |
Title: | When Inserted: |
MASH Manual |
v3 10/12/21 |
Early Help information, support and guidance for professionals (web link) | v1 14/10/24 |
Early Help and Targeted Support - Mandatory Operating Model Guidance | v3 15/07/22 |
Thresholds and Pathways (web link) | v4 14/10/24 |
Northamptonshire Police Request for the Disclosure of Information Form | v2 15/07/22 |
East Midlands Region Children's Social Care - Regional Protocols | v1 04/02/22 |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Signs of Safety Harm Analysis Matrix | v1 04/06/19 |
Trajectory Template | v2 19/02/21 |
Parenting Capacity Assessment Guidance and Template | v2 04/03/22 |
Medical Information Sharing Consent Form - Parent | v2 08/05/23 |
Assessment Guide For Parents | v1 03/02/22 |
Pre-Birth Parenting Assessment Template | v2 30/06/23 |
Parenting Assessment Plan and Agreement (with prompts) | v2 30/06/23 |
Parenting Assessment Plan and Agreement | v2 30/06/23 |
Open Case Request to attend Strategy Meeting Form | v1 30/06/22 |
Child Protection Medical Assessment Information Sheet | v1 09/08/24 |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Request for Legal Planning Meeting | v2 30/05/22 |
Legal Instruction Form | v2 02/09/22 |
PLO - Letter | v6 02/09/22 |
PLO - Meeting - Agenda/Minutes | v5 14/09/23 |
Things We Are Worried About to Attach to the PLO - Pre Proceeding Agenda Minutes | v1 15/01/20 |
Social Work Initial Evidence Template (SWET) For Use in URGENT Hearings Only | v2 02/09/22 |
Local Authority Initial Social Work Evidence Template (SWET) | v5 02/09/22 |
Local Authority Social Work Evidence Template (SWET) (Final Statement) | v3 09/02/22 |
Section 7 Pro-forma | v2 14/10/24 |
Section 37 Pro-forma | v1 14/10/24 |
Section 37 Presentation | v1 15/01/20 |
Immediate Issue Letter | v2 28/02/22 |
Title: | When Inserted: |
North Northamptonshire Council Complaints | v1 14/10/24 |
v1 14/10/24 | |
North Northamptonshire Council Compliments, Comments and Complaints | v1 14/10/24 |
West Northamptonshire Council Compliments, Comments and Complaints |
v1 14/10/24 |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Our Dictionary | v1 20/12/21 |
Leading in Colour: The Fierce Urgency of Now | v1 23/06/22 |
Supporting Students Who Have Experienced Racism | v1 23/06/22 |
Improving School Staff Knowledge and Confidence | v1 23/06/22 |
Becoming Anti-Racist | v1 13/07/22 |
Building trusting relationships with Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities using Signs of Safety |
v1 13/07/22 |
Confident practice with Cultural Diversity – Research in Practice | v1 13/07/22 |
Culturalgram | v1 13/07/22 |
Learning Journey of Cultural Competence | v1 13/07/22 |
Working with Racial/Ethnic Diversity – Making Research Count | v1 13/07/22 |
Unconscious Bias – Royal Society | v1 13/07/22 |
The Invisibility of White Privilege (YouTube Video) | v1 13/07/22 |
How Racism Can Effect Child Development | v1 13/07/22 |
PSDP - Resources for Managers of Practice Supervisors: Addressing Barriers to the Progression of Black and Minority Ethnic Social Workers to Senior Leadership Roles | v1 13/07/22 |
What is White Privilege? (BBC Bitesize) | v1 13/07/22 |
Title: | When Inserted: |
CP Outcome of S47 Enquiry - CareFirst Instructions | v2 05/06/19 |
CP Record of Strategy Discussion - CareFirst Instruction | v2 05/06/19 |
Child and Family Assessment - CareFirst Instructions | v2 05/06/19 |
CP Conference Convening Request - CareFirst Instruction | v2 05/06/19 |
Senior Leadership Alert Form template | v4 03/01/24 |
Senior Leadership Alert Form for Missing Children Template | v1 16/06/23 |
Case Closure Letter Template | v1 06/04/17 |
Closing Private Fostering Arrangements in CareFirst - Instructions | v1 06/04/17 |
Data Breach Reporting | v1 14/10/24 |
Northamptonshire Children's Trust Social Work Chronology Template | v3 09/06/21 |
Court Chronology Template | v1 20/12/18 |
Genogram Guidance | v1 20/12/18 |
Research in Practice - Reflective Supervision Resource Pack | v1 28/06/21 |
CareStore File Plan | v1 27/01/22 |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Request for Targeted Children's Centre Services (0-5yrs) | v1 10/11/17 |
Private Fostering - Notification, Arrangements and Consent Form | v3 14/07/22 |
Private Fostering - Standard letter | v2 14/07/22 |
Private Fostering - Hosting terms & conditions | v1 12/09/16 |
Private Fostering - Consent to share letter English version | v2 14/07/22 |
Private Fostering - Consent to share letter Chinese version | v2 14/07/22 |
Substance to Solution (S2S) drug and Alcohol Treatment Referral | v1 14/10/24 |
Section 85 / 86 (Children Act 1989) Welfare Check Report Template | v2.1 13/05/22 |
v2 28/01/21 | |
v1 29/07/21 | |
v1 29/07/21 | |
v1 07/03/22 | |
v1 07/03/22 | |
v1 19/05/22 | |
v1 09/08/24 |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority Claims Information Sheet | v1 08/11/24 |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Secure Accommodation Review Minutes Template | v3 26/01/22 |
Secure Accommodation Review Social Worker Report Template | v3 26/01/22 |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Family Time - Referral Form/Risk Assessment | v9 14/03/23 |
Contact Service Lone Working Risk Assessment | v1 29/04/21 |
Family Time Referral Process | v5 12/09/22 |
Family Time Agreement | v12 25/09/24 |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire | v2 14/10/24 |
Reducing the Risk of Environmental Tobacco Smoke for Looked After Children and their Carers | v1 23/07/18 |
Helpful Tips for a Healthy You | v1 20/03/20 |
Health Summary | v1 20/03/20 |
Reporting Harmful Content (website) | v1 23/06/20 |
Medical Consent Form | v1 23/12/20 |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Title: | When Inserted: |
The Northamptonshire Leaving Care Independent Living Guide | v2 22/03/22 |
Staying Put Agreement | v2 18/07/24 |
Financial Support and Services: Information for Care Leavers in Northamptonshire | v2 18/07/24 |
Financial Offer | v1 18/07/24 |
Training Flats Suitability and Risk Assessment | v2 19/06/18 |
Young Person Training Flat Application (Self Referral) Form | v1 14/05/18 |
21 Years Plus Needs Assessment | v2 18/07/24 |
Northamptonshire Care Leavers' Local Offer (click link and scroll to 'Care Leavers' Local Offer') | v3 19/10/21 |
Care Leavers Risk Assessment | v2 18/07/24 |
Northamptonshire Joint Protocol for Care Experienced Young People | v1 18/07/24 |
Parenting Support Strategy | v1.2 17/09/24 |
Understanding Your Choices: A Guide to Section 17 and 20 Homelessness Support | v1 17/09/24 |
Beyond Custody Guidance: Supporting Care Experience Young People in Readiness for their release from Custody | v1 17/09/24 |
Post 21 Offer and Guide | v1 29/09/24 |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Reducing the Criminalisation of Children in Care and Care Leavers Flyer | v1 03/07/20 |
Reducing the Criminalisation of Children in Care and Care Leavers Leaflet | v1 03/07/20 |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Fostering Service: National Minimum Standards | v1 31/03/16 |
Foster Carer Annual Review - Child's Social Worker Report | v5 12/06/18 |
Handbook of Fostering: A to Z of Foster Care | v1 11/02/21 |
Practice Guidance: Matching Children for Long-Term Foster Care | v1 26/05/22 |
Prospective Foster Carer Report (Form F) England - Permanent Fostering Report | v1 26/05/22 |
Certificate of Permanence | v1 26/05/22 |
Matching Report for Permanent Fostering | v1 26/05/22 |
Foster Carer's Recording Sheet | v1 30/06/23 |
Child's Guide to Fostering (Up to 6 years old) | v1 03/07/23 |
Child's Guide to Fostering (7 - 10 years old) | v1 03/07/23 |
Child's Guide to Fostering (11 - 18 years old) | v1 03/07/23 |
Risk Assessment For Children in Care to Share a Bedroom within a Fostering Household | v1 12/12/23 |
Household Safer Caring Plan | v1 12/12/23 |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Practice Standards for Practitioners and Managers: Improving Outcomes for Children in Northamptonshire | v3 02/02/23 |
Mind Of My Own Practice Standards (Long version) | v1 24/11/21 |
Mind Of My Own Practice Standards (Short version) | v1 24/11/21 |
Title: | When Inserted: |
Guide to Social Work Responsibilities: Who Can Do What and When | v1 04/01/21 |
Practice Educators and On Site Supervisors Expectations | v1 04/01/21 |
Mandela Model (Cards) | v1 04/01/21 |
Knowledge and Skills Statement for Social Workers in Adult Services | v1 04/01/21 |
Post-qualifying standard: knowledge and skills statement for child and family practitioners | v1 04/01/21 |
Professional Capabilities Framework for Social Work in England - Level Descriptors for all 9 domains | v1 04/01/21 |
Honey and Mumford Learning Styles Questionnaire | v1 04/01/21 |
Four Dominant Communication Styles | v1 04/01/21 |
Title: | When Inserted: |
New | |
Savings Policy for Children in Care | v1 11/10/24 |
Amended | |
Supervision Policy and Procedure | v3 25/09/24 |
Allocation of Work and Transfer between Teams – Case Transfer and Closure | v2 25/09/24 |
Unregistered, Unregulated & Crisis Placement Procedure | v2 25/09/24 |