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Title: When Inserted:
Access to Adoption Records Process Map December 2016
Access Team Referrals February 2022
Ad-hoc Foster Carer Payments Process Map December 2016
Adoption Map 1 - Best Interest Decision September 2019
Adoption Map 2 Prospective Adopters Report (PAR) June 2019
Adoption Map 3 Child Appreciation Day (CAD) and Matching Panel June 2019
Adoption Map 4 Introduction to Adopters June 2019
Adoption Map 5 Adoption Order Application and Court Hearing June 2019
Adoption RAA June 2019
Adoption Relinquished Babies (for Adoption) June 2019
Allegations & Reported Incidents Against Foster Carers and Prospective Adopters Process Map January 2019
CAFCASS Enquiries Process Map January 2019
Child's Entry into Care Process Map September 2019
CIC Review and Permanence Process Map September 2020
CiN & CiN Review Process Map July 2019
Complaints Process Map - Child/Advocate Process Map [Customer Feedback Team] June 2021
Complaints Process Map - Child/Advocate Process Map [Customer Feedback Team] June 2021
Complaints Process map - Standard Process Map [Customer Feedback Team] August 2018
Connected Carer – viability/Reg 24/interim approval April 2021
Consultation Document Checks August 2019
CP Process Map July 2019
CSE Flow Chart Process Map November 2018
Data Breach Process July 2019
DBS Checks Process Map September 2019
Dispute Resolution Process November 2016
Disruption meeting process and procedures February 2017
Domestic Abuse Screening Process Map January 2019
Domestic Adoption December 2016
Emergency Duty Service (EDS) process and procedures January 2019
FOI process Map [Customer Feedback Team August 2018
Foster Carer Approval [First panel] Process Map July 2019
Foster Carer Review Process Map October 2020
Foster Panel Approval Recommendations and Decisions Process Map July 2019
Foster to Adopt Process Map October 2021
Fostering- Applicant Foster Carers DBS Process Map August 2019
Fostering- Foster Carer Placements Search (including Exemptions) Process Map August 2019
Health Assessments Process Map [Initial & Review] Process Map June 2019
IFA Process Maps August 2019
Incoming Legal Orders Process Map November 2018
IRO Process Map for Looked After Reviews Process Map April 2019
Leavers Process Map May 2022
Long Term Fostering June 2019
Looked After- Notification by other local authority of CLA living in Sandwell Process Map August 2019
MAPPA (Multi-agency public protection arrangements) Process Map December 2019
MASH and Partners Case Dispute Resolution Process Map November 2018
MARAC Process Map November 2019
Medical Checks Process Map August 2019
Member Enquiry Process Map [Customer Feedback Team] August 2018
Missing out of borough LAC children Process Map December 2016
MP Enquiry Process Map [Customer Feedback Team] August 2018
Non-agency adoption Process Map December 2016
PEP Process Map April 2019
Policy & Procedure Review Process Map November 2017
Position of Trust Allegations - Process Map January 2019
Pre-proceedings PLO Issuing to Court Process Map June 2019
Private Fostering process and procedures Process Map December 2020
Receiving in Conferences Process Map November 2018
Reunification of Looked After Child Young Person with Parents (0-17yrs) June 2019
Review and Permanence Process Map September 2020
SARs Process Map August 2018
SDQ Process Map [Customer Feedback Team] June 2019
SEND- Advice form for education, health and care plan (EHCP) - SCT June 2019
SEND- Direct Payments for Sandwell Children's Trust- SCT June 2019
SEND- EHCP Draft Plans Process Map- SCT June 2019
SEND- EHCP Final Process Map- SCT June 2019
Single Assessment and 6mth Updated Assessment August 2019
Single assessment and NRPF process and procedures Process Map December 2016
Special Guardianship Order and Child Arrangement Payments Process Map December 2016
SPOC to LADO Process Map August 2018
SPOC MASH Process Map [Early help System] March 2017
Strategy Meetings - New Cases only Process Map November 2018
Strategy Meetings Process Map January 2019
Targeted Services- Step Down from First Single Assessment by Front Door Service to a TAF Plan August 2019
Targeted Services- Step Down from CIN Plan to a TAF Plan Process Map August 2019
Targeted Services- Step Down from CP Plan to a TAF Plan Process Map August 2019
Thresholds Process Map November 2017
Trafficked Anti Slavery Process Map August 2018
Transfer in and out, processes and procedures  
Unregulated Placement Process Map August 2019
Young People Transitioning to the Care Leaving Service Process Map February 2020


Title: When Inserted:
Practice Guidance - Approach to Direct Work May 2022
Practice Guidance - Assessments April 2022
Practice Guidance - Assessment Check Point Case Supervision 10 day , 25 day and 35 day review January 2023
Practice Guidance - Check Point Case Supervision 10 day , 25 day and 35 day review Locaility February 2023
Practice Guidance - Case Summaries April 2022
Practice Guidance - Children and Young People Participation April 2022
Practice Guidance - Child's Journey April 2022
Practice Guidance - Child's Plan April 2022
Practice Guidance - Cultural Competence April 2022
Practice Guidance - Cultural Genogram April 2022
Practice Guidance – Defensible Decision Making May 2022
Practice Guidance - Engaging Fathers April 2022
Practice Guidance - Family Culture Identity and Community April 2022
Practice Guidance - Genograms April 2022
Practice Guidance - Impact Chronologies April 2022
Practice Guidance - Intervention Aids April 2022
Practice Guidance - Knowledge and Skills Statements April 2022
Practice Guidance - Management Oversight and Supervision April 2022
Practice Guidance - Partners and Partnership Working April 2022
Practice Guidance - Practice Framework and Model April 2022
Practice Guidance - Relationship Based Practice April 2022
Practice Guidance - Reviews April 2022
Practice Guidance - Signs of Safety April 2022
Practice Guidance - The 3 Basics April 2022
Practice Guidance - Trauma Informed Practice April 2022
Practice Guidance - Visits Direct Work and Intervention April 2022
Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment Exemplar April 2021
Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment Guidance Note April 2021
Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment SPOC Exemplar April 2021
MAPPA Guidance Note December 2019
Practice Guidance: IRO and CP Chairs Challenge and Resolution Process September 2020
Practice Note for all - Practitioners and Managers - 1 April 2019
Practice Note - Management Oversight required for Unregulated Cases June 2019
Practice Note - S.20 - ADCS-CAFCASS Guidance for use of S.20 provision in the Children Act 1989 June 2019
Practice Note - S.20 - Accommodation of a Child June 2019
Practice Note 3 for all Practitioners and Managers September 2019
Practice Guidance - LCS Statutory Visit Rule August 2019
Practice Note 3- Recent changes to process maps, practice guidance August 2019
Practice Note and Quick Guide to MARAC December 2019
Practice Framework Booklet October 2020
Practice Standards Booklet May 2022
Practice Guidance - Child's Plans – Starting with the end in mind April 2022
Foster Carer Agreement March 2024
Title: When Inserted:
Good Practice Examples October 2021
Title: When Inserted:
3 houses [Direct Work] December 2018
Case File Transfer Protocol May 2023
Child Death Review Process (Regional Framework) October 2020
COG Guidelines July 2019
Direct Work Intranet
Early Help Services Directory March 2022
Emergency Network Meeting - leaflet for families April 2019
Emergency Network Meeting - leaflet for professionals April 2019
Family Solutions Team function September 2020
FGC professionals leaflet April 2019
Guidance for Strategy Discussions - Meetings January 2020
Guidance for Safer Working Practice for Adults who work with Children in Sandwell August 2019
If you are an Employee August 2019
LADO Practice Guidance for Employers SPOC August 2019
LADO Practice Guidance for Head teachers Principals and Chair of Governors with SPOC changes August 2019
LADO Referral Guidance for Employers & Agencies August 2019
LADO Referring to the LADO Service initial guidance August 2019
LADO POT Referral Form 2024 January 2024
Leaflet for children and young people April 2019
Locality COG Teams - Communication July 2019
My world triangle info July 2019
Quality Assurance Framework March 2023
Sandwell Pledge to you poster A4 July 2018
Sandwell Pledge to you under 11s A7 July 2018
Sandwell Pledge to you over 12s Business Card July 2018
Sandwell Pledge STARS July 2018
SGO Financial Policy March 2024
Step up step down guidance April 2019
Strategy Discussion Procedure April 2021
Targeted Services Leaflet November 2019
Template Action Points for PLO Meeting August 2018
Terms of Reference Child in Need Panel October 2019
Placement Request Form December 2023
LADO POT outcome letter January 2024
Pathways for EMHWB Hub February 2024
LADO Expectation (including guidance for POT Meetings) February 2024
SGO Support Leaflet April 2024
SGO Exceptional Payment Request Process April 2024
Title: When Inserted:
Care Planning Placement and Case Review (England) Regulations 2010 Website
Care Planning, Placement and Case Review (England) Regulations 2010 - Part 5 - Visits by the Responsible Authority Website
Children Act 1989: care planning, placement and case review - DfE Guidance Website
Children Act 1989: transition to adulthood for care leavers - DfE Guidance Website
Children in Care Strategy December 2021
Children in Care Sufficiency Strategy May 2022
Leaving Care Local Offer February 2020
Local Offer for Care Leavers Leaflet October 2020
Permanency in Sandwell A Partnership Approach May 2022
Sandwell Dual Status July 2019
Young Person Profile Trigger Plan Guidance January 2018
SCT Life Work Guidance  
SCT Life Work Resources  Intranet
SCT Guide to Later Life Letter April 2021
SCT Joy Rees Life Work Guidance April 2021
SCT Life Work Checklist September 2021
SCT Life Work Guidance September 2021
SCT Life Work Procedure April 2021
SCT Life Work Process Map April 2021
SCT Life Work Questions for LCS and Contact Centre April 2021
SCT Life Work Significant Information April 2021
SCT Life Work 5 Minute Read April 2021
SCT Principles of Life Work July 2019
SCT Why is Life Work Important September 2021
SCT Your guide to Life Work, Life Story and Later life Letters  September 2021
SCT Transferring the Life work and Future Proofing July 2019
SCT Understanding and Telling Guidance July 2019
Initial Health Assessments - Birth to 9 years April 2024
Initial Health Assessments - 10+ years April 2024
Initial Health Assessments - Asylum Seeker and Care Plan April 2024
Review Health Assessments - Birth to 9 years April 2024
Review Health Assessments - 10+Years April 2024
Title: When Inserted:
Care Leavers May 2022
Care Leavers Housing Protocol February 2020
Local Offer Companion Document April 2024


Title: When Inserted:
SCT_IFA Sandwell big Foster Family Housing Project Terms of Reference April 2024
SCT_IFA Referral to Sandwell Big Foster Family Housing Project Panel
April 2024
SCT IFA Manager QA Checklist for Panel 1/9/23
Safer Caring Policy Guidance For Social Workers 2023
Children Act 1989: fostering services - DfE Guidance Website
Schedule 6 Notification September 2023
Schedule 7 Notification September 2023
Foster Carers Handbook Website
SCT IFA Access to Records October 2018
SCT IFA Alcohol, Drugs and Solvents October 2018
SCT Assessment and Approvals of Foster Carers October 2018
SCT IFA Assessment of Pets October 2018
SCT IFA Behaviour Management and Self Caring October 2018
SCT IFA Complaints and Representations April 2018
SCT IFA Connected Persons, Family and Friends January 2024
SCT IFA Consultation and Participation October 2018
SCT IFA Contact with Parents, Siblings and Others April 2018
SCT IFA Countering Bullying April 2018
SCT IFA Data Protection Policy April 2018
SCT IFA Delegated Authority October 2018
SCT IFA Disciplinary Policy April 2018
SCT IFA Education October 2018
SCT IFA Equal Opportunities and Diversity April 2018
SCT IFA Exemptions and Extensions March 2024
SCT IFA Fostering Individual Child Risk Assessment January 2021
SCT IFA Fostering Panel April 2018
SCT IFA Grievance Policy April 2018
SCT IFA Health and Safety Statement April 2018
SCT IFA ICT and Electronic Communications Policy April 2018
SCT IFA Information Acceptable Use Policy April 2018
SCT IFA Information Governance Policy April 2018
SCT IFA Information Risk Policy April 2018
SCT IFA Information Security Policy April 2018
SCT IFA Internet Photographs Mobile Phones April 2018
SCT IFA Managing allegations, Staff and Foster Carers December 2023
SCT IFA Medication and First Aid April 2018
SCT IFA Missing Children April 2018
SCT IFA Missing Children Policy April 2018
SCT IFA Person Disqualified from Fostering April 2018
SCT IFA Placement Disruption Meetings April 2018
SCT IFA Placements in Foster Care October 2018
SCT IFA Policies, Values and Principles April 2018
SCT IFA Policy on Registered Managers Duties April 2018
SCT IFA Preparing Young People for Adulthood October 2018
SCT IFA Private Fostering Procedure December 2020
SCT IFA Private Fostering Statement of Purpose March 2023
SCT IFA Private Fostering Leaflet Professionals March 2021
SCT IFA Private Fostering Leaflet C and YP March 2021
SCT IFA Public Service Network Acceptable Use Policy April 2018
SCT IFA Recording Policy and Guidelines April 2018
SCT IFA Records Management Policy April 2018
SCT IFA Report on Specific Duty - Appendix 1 - Statement of Intent for Equalities April 2018
SCT IFA Review and Termination of approval of Foster Carers April 2024
SCT IFA Reviews and Meetings October 2018
SCT IFA Safeguarding Children and Young People October 2018
SCT IFA Safer Recruitment Guidance April 2018
SCT IFA Smoking April 2018
SCT IFA Social Visits and Overnight Stays October 2018
SCT IFA Statement of Purpose May 2022
SCT IFA Staying Put October 2018
SCT IFA Supervision Policy April 2018
SCT IFA Supervision Support and Training October 2018
SCT IFA Transporting Children April 2018
SCT IFA Whistleblowing April 2018
Foster Carers - Training Brochure April 2024
Sandwell Guide for Older Children December 2023
Sandwell Guide for Younger Children April 2024
Policy Guidance for Fostering Fee Payments March 2024
Foster Carer Payments for Mileage - Equipment September 2023
SCT IFA - Billies Fostering Adventure April 2024
SGO Financial Information for Foster Carers April 2024
Progression for Foster Carers April 2024
Title: When Inserted:
AC20 - Direct Payments Assessment Decision July 2019
AC21 - Direct Payments Assistance Plan July 2019
AC22 - Start up/ Additional Monies Claim Form July 2019
AC33 - Suspension of Direct Payments July 2019
Appendix A - Annual Block - Calculation of Direct Payment July 2019
Appendix B - Start up/ Additional - One Off Payment July 2019
Appendix A - Calculation of Direct Payment (Same each week includes weekends) July 2019
Application for Assessment for Financial Support November 2016
BAAF Dog Assessment November 2016
BAAF Pet Assessment November 2016
Bank Details July 2019
BLANKET CONSENT - Health Check April 2018
C110A - Application for care supervision order July 2019
Carer Recording Sheet July 2019
Checklist for Submitted SGO Assessments July 2019
Children's Trust consent form for photography and filming July 2019
CIN and CP Template January 2022
Closure Letter and Transfer Guidelines August 2016
Convening sheet July 2016
Coram BAAF - Adult Health Assessment November 2016
Critical Incident Form and Guidance June 2019
DBS ID Verification November 2016
DBS Online Disclosure Guide November 2016
Delegated Authority Blank - Placement Plan Part 2 June 2021
Direct Payments Agreement July 2019
Direct Payments Agreement - FASTTRACK (when agency put in place) July 2019
Direct Payments Agreement - TRADITIONAL (when PA is required) July 2019
Direct Payments Referral Form July 2019
Financial Support Assessment Form March 2021
Form C - Connected Person (Family & Friends) Section A November 2016
Form C - Connected Person (Family & Friends) Section B November 2016
Form C - Connected Person (Family & Friends) Section C November 2016
Form C - Connected Person (Family & Friends) Section D November 2016
Foster Carer - Safer Caring Policy July 2019
Gateway Panel Request April 2021
Incident Report Forms September 2017
Individual Assessment Agreement July 2019
LAC First Review Convening Sheet June 2019
MASE Meeting Convening List July 2016
Maternity alert template July 2016
Media Consent Form May 2022
Medical Letter July 2019
Missing notification template July 2019
My Pathway Plan June 2017
Parents Closure Letter July 2019
Parents Transfer Letter July 2019
Payments to Individuals Form [FS1] Process Template May 2021
Placement with Parents Form March 2021
PNC Immediate Check Request Form April 2018
Pre-Proceedings Letter PLO to Each Parent September 2021
Proposed SGO Order Support Plan July 2019
The Provision of an Independent Visiting Service for Children and Young People who are Looked After - Request for Service Form August 2021
References Checklist - Fostering and Adoption Applications July 2019
Report for Legal Planning Meeting - BLANK September 2020
Report for Review Legal Planning Meeting - BLANK September 2020
S.20 (CA89) Voluntary Accommodation Consent Form June 2019
Schedule 4 Assessment November 2019
SCT Consent to Statutory Checks - Adoption April 2018
Serious Incident Management Briefing Template September 2017
Signs of Safety LAC stat visit template June 2017
Signs of Safety Core Group Template June 2017
Signs of Safety CIN Meeting Template June 2017
Signs of Safety Tool Template July 2019
Special Guardianship Checklist July 2019
Special Guardianship Feedback July 2019
Strategy meeting Template April 2021
SWET Template and Guidance July 2021
Transport request form SS41a July 2016
Unregulated Placement Form September 2020
Verification form for DBS November 2016
Viability Assessment Template April 2021
WMP Intel Form November 2017